NEL-i accredited by the Council of Sustainable Industries

The accompaniment of companies towards an adaptation to the new economy is part of the primary missions of NEL-i since its foundation. This new economy leaves a great deal of room for sustainable and responsible development within the governance of companies.

In this line, the Council of Sustainable Industries (CSI) set up the ECORESPONSIBLE program which proposes a standardized way to initiate this transition within the companies.

Supported and accompanied by certified experts such as NEL-i, the certification allows companies to create a sustainable development committee and especially to identify specific and personalized issues in the sector of activity in relation to various themes (economy, governance, social, environment and climate issues, etc.) on which to establish action priorities.

The preparation of the file for this certification is part of the services that can benefit from the ECOLEADER fund.

For more information on the ECOLEADER certification process, click HERE.

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